Last updated on March 1, 2020


This privacy policy (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”) applies to anyone who uses the Website and interacts with CLEWO via the contact form on the Website.

CLEWO, as the data controller, is committed to protecting the privacy of Users in accordance with legal requirements and in particular Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (known as the “Informatique et Libertés” law). The purpose of the Privacy Policy is to inform Users of the Website of the way in which CLEWO protects the personal data it collects when a User browses the Website.

By providing personal data via the contact form on the Website, the User acknowledges having read the terms of this Privacy Policy.



The Website and the services offered on it are intended exclusively for adults (aged 18 and over). It is strictly forbidden for minors to access the Website and provide personal data. If personal data relating to minors is unintentionally recorded via the contact form on the Website, CLEWO will endeavour to delete it as soon as possible.



The data collected by CLEWO processes the data that the User communicates to it, in particular when the User :

  • contact CLEWO via the contact form on the Website,
  • contact customer service, or
  • uses any other point of contact with CLEWO.


In this context, CLEWO may collect and process the following personal data of the User:

  • The User’s identity: first name, last name ;
  • The User’s contact details: email address, telephone number;
  • Information relating to the User’s profession: the company or organization for which the User works, as well as his/her job title;
  • Data relating to the device enabling the User to connect to the Website: technical information concerning the characteristics and operating data of the User’s device, operating system, Internet browser, IP address;
  • Any other information directly and voluntarily provided by the User in connection with the proposed service, and in particular messages sent by the User via the contact form (sent messages), the chat window or by means of electronic mail;
  • The compulsory nature of the information that the User must provide is indicated at the time of collection and on the corresponding forms by an asterisk.

Data collected through cookies

Like many websites, we use cookies. These are small files placed on your computer by the sites you visit. They are widely used to make sites work, to make them go faster, or to transmit information to the site owner.


You will find 2 types of cookies on this site:

  • Our own cookies: there’s only one. It’s called privacy_cookie_consent and is used to check whether you’ve accepted our cookie policy;
  • Third-party cookies: We use Google Analytics to collect and analyze site usage statistics, find out which pages are visited, and more generally improve our service. The data they collect is anonymous, and they use cookies to remember your device from page to page. Their cookies are called _ga, _gid, _gat.

For more information on how we handle personal information in general, please see our privacy policy.



As the controller, CLEWO collects personal data of Users in a lawful and fair manner and respecting their rights. The main purpose of collecting personal data is to provide Users with a safe, optimal, efficient and personalized experience. Information collected by CLEWO, including personal data, is used for the following purposes:

  • Respond to requests from Users and communicate with them regarding the products and services offered by CLEWO, their opinion of the service provided by CLEWO and important changes and developments in the services offered by CLEWO;
  • Process and manage unsolicited applications sent by Users; Manage the User’s subscription to newsletters and commercial prospecting messages from CLEWO ;
  • Manage the participation of Users in promotions and competitions organized by CLEWO; Carry out statistical analyses;
  • To apply current legislation and regulations. It should be noted that E CLEWO may ask the User to provide certain personal data in order to send commercial prospecting messages (in particular, information relating to the launch of new services, the organization of promotional events and marketing activities of all kinds). The User may explicitly and freely consent or not to the collection and processing of his/her personal data for marketing purposes by ticking a box.
  • Users’ rights to their personal data In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, Users have the right to access, rectify and delete their personal data. They may also object to the processing of their personal data for legitimate reasons. The User may also send specific instructions to CLEWO concerning the use of his/her data after his/her death.
  • To exercise these rights, the User may send a request to the following address contact [AT]


The User also has the right to object, free of charge, to personal data concerning him being used for prospecting purposes, in particular commercial, by CLEWO. The User may exercise this right by sending a request to the following address contact

Updating of personal data

The User undertakes to update his/her personal data whenever necessary. The User also undertakes to ensure that his personal data is accurate, complete and unambiguous.

Communication of personal data of Users

CLEWO undertakes to keep all personal data collected via the Website and to share them only in certain circumstances and in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

CLEWO may in particular give access to Users’ personal data to third-party service providers, acting as subcontractors, to perform services relating to the Website and in particular hosting, storage, analysis, marketing, communication, data processing, database management or computer maintenance services. These service providers only act on CLEWO’s instructions and will only have access to Users’ personal data to perform these services and will be bound by the same security and confidentiality obligations as CLEWO.

In addition, the User’s personal data may be shared with third parties for the following purposes:

In the event of a merger, acquisition or sale of all or part of the company’s assets, of which the User acknowledges having been informed;In response to legal or administrative proceedings of any kind or to law enforcement measures requested by the competent authorities; To comply with legal obligations, to protect the rights and/or safety of an individual, to protect the rights and property of CLEWO, including the need for this Privacy Policy to be respected, and to prevent fraud, security or technical problems.



Personal data collected by CLEWO is stored on the servers of a service provider located in the European Economic Area.

CLEWO retains personal data collected via the Website for a period of 3 years from the last contact with the User. After this period, CLEWO will delete all personal data of the User that it has, with the exception of data that is necessary to fulfill its contractual or legal obligations. The data will in any case be deleted at the end of the applicable statute of limitations.



The security of personal data is one of CLEWO’s priorities. CLEWO undertakes to take all reasonable administrative and technical measures to prevent any disclosure, use, alteration, accidental loss or destruction of personal data that a User provides.



CLEWO may update this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect new practices and service offerings. In this case, the date of update of the Privacy Policy will be updated and will indicate the day on which the changes were made. Users are responsible for checking any updates to this Privacy Policy posted on the Website.



While browsing the Website, the User may see content that includes links to third-party mobile applications and/or websites. CLEWO cannot access or control cookies or other functions used by third-party mobile applications and/or Website, and the procedures of these external mobile applications are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

Consequently, it is up to the User to contact and/or consult directly the general terms of use and privacy statement of these mobile applications and/or websites of these third parties to obtain additional information concerning their personal data protection procedures.



This Site incorporates Google reCAPTCHA, and use of this feature is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please visit



In general, if the User has any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, CLEWO’s use of his information, he can contact CLEWO at the following email address: contact[AT] .