You won’t be able to say the opposite: in all areas of activity, cybersecurity regulations have tended to multiply in recent years.

The airline sector is no exception; as proof, the publication in 2021 of the Cyber France Compliance Framework, or 3CF. This set of regulatory provisions applicable to civil aviation brings together in particular the requirements of the LPM and NIS 2.

At Air Caraibes, these compliance issues occupied a (too) significant part of the SSI team’s time. The company’s CISO, Jean-Michel Pater, therefore chose Tenacy to accelerate its compliance while optimizing the productivity of its teams. To find out how, simply download our customer case!

You will discover

👉 How Air Caraibes deployed the Tenacy solution

👉 How Air Caraibes accelerated the compliance of its IS thanks to Tenacy

👉 The gain in visibility and precision on the security posture offered by Tenacy

“It’s a real plus for a team like ours to be able to rely on a solution that brings together all the necessary monitoring elements (dashboards, reporting, action plans) in a single point. No more Excel workbooks! »


Jean-Michel Pater, CISO of Air Caraibes